For the love of the practice!

One of the biggest gifts I have had is to understand that all we need is already within us and that nothing external will change the way we feel. This gift was nicely wrapped in the warm surroundings of Bali during a yoga class that has changed my life.

Why is that the biggest gift?

It has given me emotional freedom. Free of being angry; free of being anxious; free of the frustration that others should behave differently; free of disappointments in others; this list is endless. To me this is the ultimate luxury as I am now empowered to set myself free of misery and lead a happy & peaceful life. I am fully in charge! This does not mean there are no challenges or grief on my path, it is just that I deal with these differently.

As I started to explore the deeper practices of yoga, enhanced by the breath, meditation and specifically yoga philosophy it provided a base to look more inwards than outwards. Developing a strong sense of curiosity to get to know myself better. Realizing that the mind is such a strong tool which can lead us to believe anything! We see reality through who we are. You change perception, you change your world.

Happy to share my love for the practice,
guiding into stillness and deep inner connection,
creating a world full of compassion, love and joy.

Let's connect!

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